25 weeks... tomorrow..

3:52 AM

Not the best lighting and/or photo - but it works ;-)

How Far Along?  24 weeks, 6 days (25 tomorrow)
Symptoms: Round ligament pain, acid reflux... 
Sleep: The past two weeks have been an improvement!

Food Cravings: protein and meat!
Best Moment This Week: SEEING Watson kick. 
Movement: Usually at night! All but 3 of my students have gotten to feel him kick :-)
Gender: Boy!! 
Belly Button In Or Out? Half way... weird, right?
What I Miss: being able to pick things up off the floor easily
What I Am Looking Forward To: In the next week - our 4 year anniversary on Thursday, March 13, and our next appointment - to hear Watson's sweet heart beat. I also look forward to loving on my sweet baby.
Milestones: Nesting has possibly begun.... People in public can tell I'm pregnant and go out of their way to help me. I could get used to it... ;-) Also, in case you were wondering, my uterus is the size of a soccer ball..... 
Weekly Wisdom: Proverbs 1:8-9 Hear, my son, your father's instruction, and forsake not your mother's teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck.

Can you tell I'm tired? I'm sleeping better, but still tired!
Be honest. Does this dress make me look pregnant?
Our school fundraiser was this past week. It was awesome. You can read my speech in the previous post.

I  found the first "pregnancy" photo I took - 3 days after I found out. 21 weeks ago... and now I feel huge, but I'm okay with that...
We were sent sweet homemade baby gifts from our friend Tiffany!

I made a blanket for Watson! The first thing I've made for him. :-)

My sister is coming to visit from Japan! She has a 3 and 1.5 year old.
This has forced us to start child  proofing early! I'm okay with that though!
I went crazy on Sunday and reorganized and redecorated our bathroom. I love it.

Thank you for Reading!


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