3 months until June 24.

1:21 AM

Today I have exactly 3 months until Watson's due date. Can you believe it?

Here's what's new:

1. I do not have Gestational Diabetes. I'm a slight hypochondriac and convinced myself I might ;-). Turns out I don't.
2. Watson is moving more and more each day (where I can feel it at least). A week ago it felt like he was doing flips and I think he probably was. It's also possible he has restless leg syndrome like his daddy. ;-). He also might be training to be a ninja, a (football) kicker, or a soccer player... among many other options. Seth likes to "tell" Watson that this is the only chance he will ever get to kick or hit me in his whole life. Sweet thought. ;-).  His heart beat was 140 bpm and he is already head down at our appointment last week. Midwife said that once they are head down they tend to stay that way. In Washington State it's a law that if the baby is breech while in labor, you have to deliver by c-section. I'm not opposed to a c-section, but I would prefer to have the baby naturally (also have you seen the price difference between the two? dang.).
3. I found out recently that my mom had all of her kids naturally with no epidurals. Wow!! I'm not sure why I didn't know this. I'm planning to have the option to get an epidural... at 7 cm or something like that. I feel like I can have a high pain tolerance when I choose to, and a low pain tolerance when I choose to. We'll see what happens :-).
4. Although we are in the centering class, we are (I am) looking into child birth prep classes (lamaze), but depending on what we find or what we decide I may see what I can find on youtube as far as "classes" go, maybe check out some books in the library for some labor techniques. In our centering class last week, we watched a birthing video and let's just say it freaked me out more than comforting me... but it's causing me to prepare myself, which is good.
5. Seth is my official "support person." It's a big job, but I'm positive he can do it. He will also get to cut the umbilical cord and give Watson his first bath. <3 Other than that, it'll just be the nurses and midwife there with us.
6. We have baby registries! We are registered at both Amazon and Target, for those who are interested.
7. I would love to introduce you to Watson's Tia and Tio. Even though they are not as white as me, they are 100 percent related to us. ;-) Well, it feels like it anyway. Damaris, is my family's "adopted" daughter and Osiris is her husband. Damaris (Tia) currently lives in the Dominican Republic and is married to Tio (Osiris). It's so obvious already that they love love love our sweet Watson and I cannot wait for the day they get to meet him and he gets to meet them (and when I get to officially meet Osiris).
8. I am so blessed and amazed that God chose me to be a mom. I easily fall into areas such as comparison with other people who are in the same stage of life as me, but God has been gently guiding me back to focus on him and reminding me that this baby is a gift and he has called Seth and I specifically to raise Watson Graeme. God continues to show me that despite my weaknesses, he is faithful. We are so incredibly blessed by those who love and pray for Watson and for us. Thank you guys.

Thank you for Reading!


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