
4:23 PM

Finals Week is always so difficult. It's difficult to focus on studying, It's difficult to think about now... because your mind is in the future, or at least mine is. I want to focus on now so badly, because I'm nervous about this summer. I don't want it to come. I'm not ready to work or even intern in the real world; or figure out how I am going to make ends meet month to month. I feel so misunderstood lately, somethign I just have to pick myself up, dust myself off and move forward, rather than worrying about things.

Last night I found myself in tears... tears that came because I don't fear my own death, but I fear others dying-- and not knowing Christ. My biggest fear is cultural Christianity. So many think they are 'Christians,' but don't know and understand the God they claim to serve.... and last night I began to feel Paul's cry of wishing he could give up his own salvation for someone else...

Lara <3

Thank you for Reading!


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