Short "update"

2:37 PM

Very quickly I have been thrown into a new world. My life has in one day gone from carefree and having no plans to being one of the busiest lives I know of... and school hasn't even started yet. I have a lot to do, but surprisingly the stress hasn't hit (yet). I am enjoying where I am, I enjoy what I am doing... and I definitely am excited about right now.

This morning I was reading in Matthew 5... about the Beatitudes... and I felt as if Christ was truly breathing life into my bones.

Blessed are the pour in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.

Lately, I feel as if Christ is teaching me to lower my self-awareness and increase my awareness of Christ.... I love this lesson and I hope to continue to grow in it. Christ continues to show himself as faithful, and is restoring my heart in many many ways.

I'm basically in love with him. :)

Thank you for Reading!


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