Behind the name Watson Graeme

4:49 AM

How Far Along?  20 weeks, 5 days

Symptoms: acid reflux (ughhhh)
Sleep: pretty good - with the exception of one night. 

Food Cravings: carbs, fruit (particularly berries - which of course are expensive right now)
Best Moment This Week: Finding out who our baby is :-) 
Movement:  Mostly at night! I really love it.
Gender: Boy. Watson Graeme <3
When I first started praying for our baby, I always imagined God would give us a boy, but then went through a season where most thought it was a girl, so I became very conflicted! The moment I saw our baby on the screen, before we were even told that he was a he, he just looked like a boy to me. 
Belly Button In Or Out? halfway out? Where my belly button was pierced -where the hole is, that part is coming out. It's weird, and I avoid looking at it. You are welcome for sharing.
What I Miss: I really want to drink wine while sitting in a hot tub. I don't necessarily miss it, but I miss that it is a potential option.
What I Am Looking Forward To: We are going on a trip to Canada next week with a couple from our Community Group. I look forward to a trip away before sweet Watson comes!
Milestones: I feel like the answer to this HAS to be finding out gender and seeing sweet Watson. Seth, however, got to feel him kick for the first time! I've been praying for that to happen every day. Of course, I had to wake Seth up so his enthusiasm wasn't as high as it would've  have been say, if he was fully awake ;-).
Weekly Wisdom: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” - God to Jeremiah; Jeremiah 1:5  Just as God knew Jeremiah before he formed him in the womb, I believe the same is true of Watson. Right before we first started trying to have a baby, I was convinced that I would be unable to. I had no real reasoning, other than I can tend to be pessimistic and my own worst enemy. However, as I prayed those same words of Hannah's for Samuel (in the book of 1st Samuel)- that he would remember me and not forget me - that our child would be God's, I was given so much peace. I don't want to lose sight of that. I so desire for Watson to love Jesus a million times more than me. Our prayer as a family is to have many Chomout's in heaven. My prayer is that there would be many people with our last name who love the gospel, want to fight for the gospel and want to share the gospel. 

The story behind his name: We were going to keep Watson's name to ourselves and reveal it the day he was born - but we (I) knew that would be really hard. Seth wanted to wait to protect me from people saying negative things about the name, knowing how easily hurt my feelings get- and I was initially okay with waiting because I knew he would always be Watson, no matter what. I knew though, it would be hard because I wanted to share it as soon as I could with family, especially grandparents and friends. After my cousin (who is due only a week before me) told us her name, I knew I just HAD to share ours when we found out. (And guess what? No one has said anything negative about the name -  at least not to us, which I am 100 percent okay with ;-))

Watson: Powerful Warrior. Yes, it's typically a last name. Yes, he may (okay will) get associated with Sherlock Holmes often - but that's awesome. Watson is a pretty respectable man in that series. As one of my students from last year said "I love Watson's name. That is my favorite character in any book I've EVER read." (I've decided she wasn't exaggerating whatsoever and all of that was 100 percent genuine).
We always liked the name, and we actually agreed on it. We actually discussed that name and how much we liked it about 6 months before we even started trying to have a baby! When I found out the meaning - powerful warrior- I loved it even more. My prayer for Watson has been that he would love love love Jesus. My prayer is that he would learn wisdom in the womb, and my deepest desire is that he would be a huge advocate of the gospel of Jesus Christ - we want him to be a powerful warrior for Jesus. This next passage is long, but bear with me. Every time I think of the meaning of our son's name, I keep going to 1 Corinthians 9. 

For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. (1 Corinthians 9:19-27, ESV)'

Graeme (pronounced as "Graham"):  It means a host of things: Warring, Farm Home or Grain. He isn't necessarily named after the theologian Graeme Goldsworthy from Australia, but that is where Seth found the name. Graeme Goldsworthy wrote a Hermeneutics (the science of interpretation) book Seth had to read for Re:Train. Everything  I've happened upon by Goldsworthy is so brilliant and he 100 percent has a heart for the gospel and has an amazing ability to see the gospel of Jesus in the stories of the old testament. It's absolutely brilliant. We discussed giving our son this name for about a year now, and at first I was thrown off by the phonetics. It didn't make any sense. Since then we've discovered that in places like Australia and South Africa Graeme and Graham are both pronounced as "Gray-em" which makes the spelling make a lot more sense! I also think Watson and Graeme go brilliantly together. (Do you love my over-usage of the word brilliant(ly)? Maybe It's because Watson is English and Graeme is Scottish - I have this sub-conscious desire to use the words they over use ;-)).
This was yesterday right before we went to eat at a Brazilian steakhouse. Agh. So. Much. Food.

Depending on what I'm wearing (or what time of day it is)I look bigger/smaller. Believe it or not I'm NOT pushing my tummy out in this photo! Most of the time I think I still just look bloated and not actually pregnant. This is at almost 20 weeks.
I started working on some decor for Watson's room. This will probably go over the crib. I appreciate any prayer on getting the nursery ready! Right now it looks like an episode of hoarders and is a shared sewing room. I need to get to working on it before I enter the third trimester, I hear! 

My mom made us a diaper bag! It's perfect. I love that it fits my personality and isn't too girly, but is one that I can re-use for a second baby (if I don't wear it out - I am really hard on bags).
This weekend Seth and I went to a great toy store in Pioneer Square and found this amazing elephant for Watson. I so hope he will love it! It's made in London by a company called Jellycat. Every single stuffed toy they make is absolutely amazing!

Our Sweet Watson Graeme. <3

Long legs and his daddy's feet (well so far it looks like it).

Thank you for Reading!


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