different perspective
5:06 PM There is something about looking at something from a different perspective that makes it intriguing. Why exactly things like this intrigue us really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. So many times I'm in my backyard and I just see these potted plants as what they are.. potted plants. I fail to see the beauty of the flower, or plant, much less the beauty in which it is planted... that's much like life overseas... so many things are the same but because you have, what I like to call "foreign eyes" you see things much differently. Lately, it's been interesting to look at Dallas (my home town) with these same foreign eyes. To see the quirks the town has, to see the hurts the town has, to even see the pain present in peoples eyes, yet joy in others. I pray that I keep my perspective in Germany this summer, and I ask that you pray that prayer for me and for my team. That our prespective is one that is God driven, one that allows us to let Christ work with us and through us.
To date, it looks like I will have recieved/earned enough money for this summer. This is my third time to make efforts in a fundraising "project" such as this, and this year has been quite the easiest round. I had my hesitations, thinking it would be more difficult because I was going to a new church where I knew no one at all, I didn't have a job, etc. Well, God was faithful to provide generous givers, faithful givers, supporters, prayer warriors, and he also provided me with a wonderful job. I know it is divine that I go this summer, and honestly I'm stinkin pumped about it. This summer is going to be extremely different than the past two, and I know God is already doing something huge in the hearts of those in Cologne, but also in the hearts of my team members and the hearts of you guys who are pr-ing for us state wide.
I thank you so much for everything.
-Lara Jo