There is no one like our God

11:11 AM

I am waiting for the words to write themselves. Can anyone read something lacking words or thoughts or feeling or a bit of myself woven into each word, each letter, each stroke of pen on the paper? I have journals, of which I have become the author. I have fashioned the words, I have formed the thoughts, the characters, the passions, the desires and then... I hide them away, from the rest of the world. Yet, writing a book, with my feelings laying bare and open before eyes that will analyse and add their own thoughts... that is scary.

I am in a bit of pain right now, things going on that are confusing and uncertain, but I don't blame God, I asked for this. As I look through journal entry after journal entry I see that I have asked for my heart to be broken, to be rid of sins and selfish desires, for my character to grow. I have begged for clarity, and asked for lessons on trust.

God is faithful to answer prayers, so even though I am in a time of my life where I have to remind myself to breathe every few minutes, and I have to wipe a tear from my eye here or there... I cherish this, in a weird way... because no matter what the outcome, no matter how long this week seems to take... I am learning, and Christ is teaching me.

also i like messages and i miss many if not all of you reading this... so if you are bored... send me any messages you desire. love you all.

Thank you for Reading!


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