He won't remember this.

6:30 AM

Somewhere in a book I have never read (Perfect Match), Jodi Picoult said, "Sometimes when you pick up your child you can feel the map of your own bones beneath your hands, or smell the scent of your skin in the nape of his neck. This is the most extraordinary thing about motherhood - finding a piece of yourself separate and apart that all the same you could not live without." And this is a quote that sent me spiraling into an emotional "my baby is growing up too fast," type of night. In 2ish weeks my son is going to be 6 months old. That is half a year. 

As I lay with my son on the floor, watching him struggle to grab toys (he's actually gotten quite good at it!), watch while he chews on every toy that isn't his teether and throw his teething toys to the side, as I make him laugh with silly voices and sayings, and while I sit with him as he sleeps and I rock in his chair, I realize God meant these moments for me. Watson will never remember them. He meant those moments for me to remember how GOOD God is. How much he loves us. How much he protects and cares and provides for us. And in the midst of all that, God reminds me that we are raising this boy to send him out. We are raising this boy to become a man. 

Thank you for Reading!


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