October 28 -- I've been gone exactly one month! <3

8:31 PM

She sits outside, danging her feet and cuddling in the warmth of her coat... in this moment, joy is felt. The leaves if not fallen, are falling-- ballerinas quietly and gently creating an arabesque fluttering in the autumn sky. As they land, the leaves on the ground gently move to the rhythm of it's fall, and silently settle back down into the position in which it laid. The colors are vibrant-- and she questions how something that is "death" be something that is so beautiful. It surely was Christ that made her path cross Maria's today. As soon as the conversation began she knew the conversation was an answered prayer someone had prayed over her that day. Maria came from Hungary and had just found out her great grandson had been born 3 hours earlier... in Colorado. Maria asked the girl her name, and upon finding out spoke of Dr. Zhivago. She asked her if she had a boyfriend and after the short conversation Maria replied... "I really think you are in love, I can tell in your eyes.." Maria's eyes shown as well as she talked about traveling and her grandkids. Coming back to present time, the girl gazed back upon the leaves as she smiled upon the memory of the day -- the divine interruption, just as a German couple walked by with a warm smile and a "Guten Tag!" She smiled back and said "Hallo!" as she gathered her things and entered the church for a warm night ahead.

Thank you for Reading!


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