I want a faith that's real.

1:43 AM

today after talking on skype and while writing on a friend's wall I realized that I am tired of this. I'm tired of feeling the hunger pains and doing nothing for the hunger. My body is realizing that there is something so much more, that it wants more of Christ. None of this half-passioned faith. I'm tired of sitting inside a church, I'm ready to meet people where they are, outside of the church... Ministry happens while we are living life. I re-read something I wrote in 2005...

There becomes a point where there is a difference between “doing” Christian things and constantly placing Christ in all that we do. Every day is filled with divine opportunities and divine appointments. If we ask Christ to let us see things the way He sees things, and hear things the way He does- He will answer that prayer and we will become susceptible to the workings around us. We must be intentional in our relationships no matter where we are.

It's time for change.

p.s. i love bionade. it is yummy. my favorite is the elder berries (holunder) flavor. :-)

Thank you for Reading!


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