Pregnancy Post #3

5:54 AM

How Far Along: 15 weeks
Size of Baby: 4 inches long!

Gender: Well, at 8 weeks our baby had a 174 bpm (beat per min.) heart rate 10 weeks: 170... today? 164. So according to legend... it's a girl. I don't know though. I'm skeptical.  We are going to a class called Centering (google it!), and as I was listening to the heart beats of all the other babies as I was supposed to be mingling (hey, I can multi task) - all the heart beats were slow and steady and then ours was SUPER fast. (normal range for a heart beat, just faster than everyone else...) Midwife says "you  have a VERY active baby!" Pretty sure this has been said to us at EVERY appointment.
Total Weight Gain: TWO pounds! 
Maternity Clothes: My friend & boss & co-worker (all the same person) gave me a bunch of maternity clothes and they are OH so comfy. However, I have started feeling more awkward - especially when I walk.
What I miss: medicine. I'm so tired of sinus pressure and having so much snot in my body due to increased blood flow. I do use my neti pot; so that helps!
Sleep:  My child will not allow me to sleep any way except on my left side; which is supposed to be the healthiest, so (s)he must know what's best ... Jk. it's just really uncomfortable to sleep any other way. 
Cravings: Lasagna. Grapefruit. 

Best moment of the week: Getting UT clothes in the mail from my inlaws <3

Thank you for Reading!


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