10:33 PM
found this interesting.
it also made me cry.

what is something you feel you can’t say in church, or around other christians?

I’d rather look like a good christian than put in the time and effort to actually be one.

I currently feel NO connection to God when I pray or read the bible.

That I hate Facing the Giants.

When I say “I’ll pray for you.” I don’t usually mean it. I have been a Christian for 27 years and I still don’t understand the point of praying.

I struggle with having a quiet time. I’ve been a “Christian” since I was 6 years old and sometimes I wonder if I really am a Christian and why I don’t seem to have it all together.

Most people I know who claim to follow God are really sucky people who don’t care about anything but themselves and their comfort. It makes me not want to follow their rules.

‘not all Christians are republicans’

Sometimes I wonder if this whole Christianity thing is a lie.

That law is easier than grace … just tell me what to do and not do and I’ll give it my best shot.

Grace is too big, to wide open and scary.

I’m depressed- and it’s not because of a relationship with Jesus.

Stop making Christianity a scapegoat for not developing a personality. Quit being judgemental, flakey, egotistical, mean, rude, fake in the name of a God who was none of those things.

my Christian husband and i almost never speak of spiritual things…we have almost no spiritual connection at all

Thank you for Reading!


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