Think about these things...

7:33 PM

so lately, I've been running along the theme of training my mind for godliness. I've only thought about it... but today, when I was supposed to be listening to a lecture in class, I wrote down Phil. 4:8 like this:

Think about such things:

whatever is:








And then, I began to think about what exactly each word means...

This morning, I found myself having to look up stupid words in the dictionary, like avalanche, to make sure it was used correctly in a news story... I learned that it is permissible to use avalanche when referring to falling objects other than snow. (so, Jessie Bo- the guy in holland was correct when he said 'oh shit, it's like an avalanche of sodas.')

So, If I may be a little corny-esque, let's begin today, with the word true.

Main Entry:
Inflected Form(s):
tru·er; tru·est
Middle English trewe, from Old English trēowe faithful; akin to Old High German gitriuwi faithful, Old Irish derb sure, and probably to Sanskrit dāruṇa hard, dāru wood — more at tree
before 12th century
1 a: steadfast , loyal b: honest , just carchaic : truthful2 a (1): being in accordance with the actual state of affairs (2): conformable to an essential reality (3): fully realized or fulfilled b: ideal , essential c: being that which is the case rather than what is manifest or assumed d: consistent 3 a: properly so called b (1): possessing the basic characters of and belonging to the same natural group as (2): typical 4: legitimate , rightful 5 a: that is fitted or formed or that functions accurately b: conformable to a standard or pattern : accurate6: determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic poles 7: logically necessary8: narrow , strict 9: corrected for error
— true·ness noun

So what is true? We know what is 'true' and 'factual' according to the world-- objective truth, but subjective truth? is there such a thing? I argue yes... for obvious reasons, I'm a Christian.
So I set my mind on Christ- he is true....

i could say much more but i really need to study for public relations. I may fail if i don't.

Thank you for Reading!


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