5:07 AM
i am citing this at the beginning, mainly for seth
http://www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/fs/08/99365.htm[Chart developed by Solidarity Center (www.solidaritycenter.org) and International Catholic Migration Commission (www.icmc.org). Circulated by the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, U.S. Department of State]
The chart below, extrapolated and simplified from the 2000 UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially women and children definition, is a useful tool for analyzing individual cases to determine whether or not they constitute trafficking. In order for a situation to be trafficking, it must have at least one of the elements within each of the three criteria of Process, Means, and Goal.
Human Trafficking is:
Process | + | Way/Means | + | Goal |
Recruitment or Transportation or Transferring or Harboring or Receiving | A N D | Threat or Coercion or Abduction or Fraud or Deceit or Deception or Abuse of Power | A N D | Prostitution or Pornography or Violence/Sexual Exploitation or Forced Labor or Involuntary Servitude or Debt Bondage or Slavery/Similar practices |
If one condition from each category is met, the result is trafficking. For adults, victim consent is irrelevant if one of the Means is employed. For children consent is irrelevant with or without the Means category.