Friday after Christmas thoughts

5:40 AM

Seen glory results in faith.

It's a thought I've been mulling over, the past few hours. See, the thing is this: I have never seen Jesus. Literally, I suppose not. But I've seen him, I've seen Christ, I've seen his glory, and constantly Father reveals himself, his son, which once seen and felt and heard with my self, with my senses, I draw near to him, this produces faith. As more of Christ is revealed to me, whether through reading the word, through the experiences he places me in. Father gives eyes to see, ears to hear. To see who? to hear who? Him. His glory, brings us to faith.

I like the thought.

Also, I felt like quite the idiot, but yesterday for the first time i caught the symbolism of Christ dying on a tree. Sin was brought into the world through a tree (Adam and Eve ate fruit from tree of life) and sin was paid for when Christ died on the 'tree.'

Now for Photos I have found on my parents' computer

a photo from meg's wedding and i look hilarious in the background and a photo o fme and daddy from Hamburg...

after looking at photos, i just want to go. Not to germany, not to a certain place, just go. To cherish and treasure every relationship that I have been strategically placed in. To pour out in pr, to be intentional, to know what Father is calling me to, to have Father be my focus and to be all things to all people.


for your viewing entertainment:

Er kommt aus Hannover, und er ist ganz wunderbar. :) Ich liebe Olli Pocher and watch this even if you don't know german, because the language is SO GORGEOUS... give it a chance! Oliver pocher is in one of my favorite German movies, and I own it, so if you learn the language, your reward is watching it with me.... :) That's to all my readers. Olli is a comedian, and he is teaching kindergarten in this episode. My favorite part is at the end when the kid is sad and he's trying to figure out what's wrong. Dang, i love German, it's beautiful. also i'm obviously tired and need to go to sleep b/c i'm rambling

Thank you for Reading!


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