What would people think if i said I was a Jesus Freak?

11:48 AM

My best friend, Jordie, totally met these super cool cats in Bonn a couple of weeks ago. Last night they invited us to their church (www.jesusfreakskoeln.de) and it was simply amazing. I told my story to the whole church, and we got invited to a wedding... but we will be back in America when they have it. Afterwards we hung out and I want to tell you guys, that my friend Ilka is one of the coolest people i know. I thought I would never see her again, and I randomly saw her at a train stop blowing bubbles. I saw her again last night - she was in town for the gay parade. She told me.. "Jesus loves homos, he just doesn't love homosexuality" and she said she went because that is totally where Jesus would be... and that, I admired.

It makes me sad that I have to leave and maybe never see Ilka and Michael and the crew again, and I am so happy that God allowed me to meet them because of Jordie. I love Ilka's spirit. She reminds me so much of my friend Naomi. I truly believe and think of her as such a good friend. Last night during me sharing my story she kept smiling at me and then winked... she was constantly looking out for me when we were out and at the church... something i totally different expect. She has an amazing spirit, and I admire her heart so much.

Thank you for Reading!


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