three years ago, every single day I was having conversations with girls who I had never met. Conversations on the phone about Father, about the upcoming summer, about what was to take place, about those who were seeking and longing to know more, but didn't know how or where to begin... about Germany.. and about praying to see FATHER in the "fatherland." I will never forget sitting outside on the grass, up against the brick of the house talking to Jenn. Talking about life, about pains, about joys. Laughing with a beautiful Gina on the phone... I knew Jesus was in their lives fervently, planting his heart into theirs... replacing our hearts, with where does this lead, how does this play into today? I heard and felt and saw the heart of Father in them... my prayer that year was that my longing for Japan, my wants which were not bad, and biblical based, would be replaced with the longing and the heart of Father.
So tonight, I have felt a tug at my heart. My prayer that my heart would continue to match up with Father's. I have many passions... cut up my heart into sections, each section defining a passion, you'd have a million pieces... so imagine how i feel as I feel those millions and millions of longings pulling at me, tugging at me. "Where do I go, father? You are my home, you are my deepest longing... where you lead, THERE I will follow." So as I am being called, I pray that all those passions become intertwined into the one heart they belong to.. that my heart is no longer the heart of Lara Johnson, but Father's heart.
Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. - psalm 62:8
So, I want to learn to love.
I want to learn to love with the love of a savior.
I want to learn to love with HIS heart.
I want to decrease, so he may increase.
Less of me.
So tonight, I have felt a tug at my heart. My prayer that my heart would continue to match up with Father's. I have many passions... cut up my heart into sections, each section defining a passion, you'd have a million pieces... so imagine how i feel as I feel those millions and millions of longings pulling at me, tugging at me. "Where do I go, father? You are my home, you are my deepest longing... where you lead, THERE I will follow." So as I am being called, I pray that all those passions become intertwined into the one heart they belong to.. that my heart is no longer the heart of Lara Johnson, but Father's heart.
Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. - psalm 62:8
So, I want to learn to love.
I want to learn to love with the love of a savior.
I want to learn to love with HIS heart.
I want to decrease, so he may increase.
Less of me.